Resigning from a job is never easy. In fact, it can be pretty damn stressful! It doesn’t have to be though – take a look at this advice from our recruitment specialists on how to make resigning a lot easier for you, and your employer.
Things to consider if you’re thinking about resigning
There are lots of things you need to take into account before you resign. Firstly, think about the reasons why you’re actually leaving – are you set on it, or are you hoping your current employer will counter the offer? If you’re looking for a counteroffer, make sure you go about it in a professional way, and let the recruiter know so you’re not wasting the other company’s time and, in the process, jeopardise any future opportunities.
Keep an open and honest approach to things. If you’re set on why you’re moving and have considered all the factors – make that clear to your current employer. If there’s no chance you’ll stay, don’t go in looking for a counteroffer or looking to get into a bidding match; you want to leave every role on the best possible terms. You should also consider how your company is going to deal with your departure. Offer to help make the transition as easy as possible; you may have wanted to leave for a while (and make a statement of it) but taking the high road and ensuring you never burn bridges is always the way to go.
When is a good time to resign?
Let’s face it; it’s never going to be a good time to leave a job! It’s especially hard if you love the company but know it’s the right move. It’s easy to get stuck in a trap of waiting for one project to finish or one deal to close, but you’ll always be back onto something else soon after that. If the right opportunity comes along, don’t miss it by ‘waiting for the right time’. It’ll never be a great experience, but if you’re honest and grateful for your company’s time and the experience you’ve earned, it will more often turn out fine.
The best way to go about it
Always be polite, thankful, sincere, and honest. Most companies understand growth and are used to people moving on, so they won’t (or shouldn’t) take it personally. If you leave having offered to help with the transition and having tried to make it as easy as possible for your employer, you can leave knowing you’ve gone about it the right way and usually, keep those working relationships in good shape.
If you’re angling for a counteroffer or wanting more money from your company, the best idea is to speak to your manager about it beforehand. Ask for that pay rise – if they aren’t willing to give you one before they know you’re leaving, then they probably wouldn’t have given you one at all, and that’s really worth considering. If you get the pay rise and want to stay, brilliant! If you don’t, and you’re still thinking about leaving, go to those interviews and look for a role that offers you what you’re worth. When you’ve found a new job and it’s finally time to resign, it’ll make things a lot smoother – you won’t get into an uncomfortable, last minute bidding war where it’s a high possibility that the only reason they’re now offering you the money is because the cost of replacing you is higher than the pay rise you’re getting.
You should also make sure you’re not leaving on a terrible note! As much as you might be fed up with the company or the people and want to slam that resignation letter down and storm out, you’re never going to gain anything from that.
Asking for a reference
References are a perfect example of why you shouldn’t burn bridges! Don’t give in to the potentially few bad months that made you leave your last job and ruin a relationship with someone who has the potential to give you a glowing reference; a reference that could get your toe over the line of that dream job! If you can’t ask your current boss because you’re not certain about the move yet, ask a colleague you trust and have a good relationship with.
As hard as it is to resign, if it’s your time to go and you have a great opportunity ahead, go for it. Don’t overthink it, always keep things professional, and always leave on good terms. Thinking about looking for a new opportunity? Get in touch with our recruitment specialists today.